Unstoppable Workshops

We taylor our workshop delivery to address your particular issues, challenges, and opportunities.

We deliver workshops that work from a leader who has led.

  • Become Unstoppable
  • Establish the best vision for your organisation
  • Be the best leader you can be
  • Establish the right leadership culture
  • Empower effective communication within your teams
  • Build a strong future through effective leadership

The process

Stew will meet with you to understand the issues and challenges within your organisations.

Based on that needs assessment and gap analysis he will then recommend one or more workshops to address the unique issues and challenges he uncovers with you.

He will suggest the tools needed to provide the ongoing momentum your organisation needs.

Unstoppable Workshop Offerings

Below are range of workshops we have previously delivered. These are available in addition to our tailored workshop offering.

Organisational investment: $5000+GST per workshop

Living Your Unstoppable Life

  • Learn where you are on the pathway to an Unstoppable Life
  • Learn how our brains hinder us and what to do about it.
  • Learn what causes stress and how to live a stress-free life
  • Learn the secret to wellness that keeps us thriving and jiving

Creating Powerful Values

  • Develop individual and organisational values statements
  • Develop a six-month strategy and tools to embed and keep those values alive
  • Develop an understanding of the power of a values-driven business

Courageous Communication

  • Learn and practice the seven steps to successful negotiation
  • Learn why communications fail and how to fix it when it does
  • Learn about your working style and the working style of others to improve communications
  • Learn the indicators of stress and how stress affects behaviour

Body Language Bootcamp

  • Know how your body leaks information all the time
  • Know how to win every conversation without speaking
  • Know what everyone is feeling without asking
  • Know how to identify the body language of stress and anguish others and know what to do about it

Leadership Fundamentals

  • Understand the framework for leadership growth
  • Understand the traits of all leaders
  • Understand the difference between good and bad leaders
  • Understand how to harness the power of individual relationships

Planning With Purpose

  • Create a priorities-based planning tool
  • Create a business that constantly evolves
  • Create a succession planning tool

Unstoppable Workshops

We don’t deliver workshops and just hope you’ll find them relevant. We find out what you need first and then deliver workshops that move you and your team forward.

If you’re ready for sustained momentum – the Unstoppable Force behind success, get in touch with us now.

Unstoppable Workshops

Register your interest.
